Propeller Service

prop and prop puller
Ship happens

And so you might need propeller service

we're here to help

Running aground or hitting something with your prop is more common place than some boat owners and captains care to admit.
When you do, it's important to have your props pulled for reconditioning as soon as you can. This is to avoid further damage to your boat and to shorten the turn around time before your craft is sea worthy again.

other reasons for this service include...


prop nut anode

Application or Reapplication

Propspeed, while it has many benefits, does not last as long as bottom paint under regular use. Some can wait until they need to pull the boat out for other services. Others feel the cost in fuel on their bottom line too much to ignore it. Call us if maintaining your boat's performance is priority.

Upgrading Propeller

boat propeller

Changing Propeller Style

While not done often, sometimes boat owners are looking for something different out of their run gear than what they have currently. Before starting a boat propeller removal service, care must be taken by owners and captains to make sure everything should fit if done in water.

Bow thruster

Changing broken props

Bow thruster break too! Normally, it happens unfortunately when a long piece of hard debris or trash like a plank of wood floats near the thruster during operation. It gets sucked in and the prop blades go out with it.

Not always
because you hit bottom

Reapplication of Propspeed

Propspeed, while it has many benefits does not last as long as bottom paint under regular use.

Changing Propeller Style

While not done often, sometimes boat owners are looking for something different out of their run gear than what they got.

Broken Bow thrusters

Hard debris float near the thruster during operation before getting pulled in and causing damaging on the way out.

The kinds of propellers we can service

Service Area

Reach out with any questions